According to Statista, the majority of festival goers in Europe are between 18 and 30 years old. This might vary a bit from country to country and from festival to festival, but in general, festival audiences are rather young. This means that creating a project for a festival means creating a project for young people. Young people are not as shallow as some media and commentators would like them to portray: they are deeply involved in social, political, community and economic issues as well as overarching themes such as education, well-being and health, environment, and so on. Youth issues are also society issues; so when speaking of (and to) youth, do not limit yourselves to roller-skates, hip-hop and graffiti culture.
See the full statistic “Age distribution of festival-goers in Europe” here: are impossible without youth – and they know it. In 2022, the major European festival associations YOUROPE and EFA got together for their first joint campaign #ImpossibleWithoutYouth about young festival goers: out the #ImpossibleWithoutYouth clip: