
Where on the festival site will the project be?

Some artists help Viva con Agua collect cups and raise awareness by stage diving in a rubber dinghy. Photo by Viva con Agua
For NGOs: Depending on the content of the project, the best place to do it can vary. For example, backstage is the best place to do a project with artists; on camping grounds you can interact with festival goers in peace between concerts, because they are not on a schedule here; the infield during concerts is possible, but needs low-key projects that visitors can interact with while watching a concert. Also: not all areas are accessible for everyone. Sometimes festivals have a specific area for NGOs.

For festivals: It might make sense to create a specific area for NGOs, as this makes some organizational matters easier (e.g., material like booths has to be transported only to one place). However, make sure the area is not too far away from the main festival activities. Otherwise, people won't interact with the NGOs, and neither you nor the visitors nor the NGOs will benefit from their participating in your festival.

For example: Viva Con Agua, an NGO developing drinking water projects in developing countries, has created a project that works in the infield and directly in front of the stages. Festival goers can donate their cups to the organization, who will collect the cup deposit after the event from the event organizer. Their volunteers bring large containers to collect cups to the infield and wave flags with the Viva Con Agua logo. This way, visitors have a very convenient way to get rid of their cups during the shows, while at the same time doing something good for the environment and for people in developing countries. Some artists support the organization during their shows, e.g., by giving shout-outs or by crowd-surfing in a rubber dinghy and asking the audience to throw their cups into the boat.

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